- Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, delays in
verbal and non-verbal communication development, and restricted and repetitive behavior. It is a
subtype of pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) which is usually
diagnosed in male individuals. Despite that three quarters of autism patients suffer form mental
retardation, a certain number of them have a relatively distinct talent in other fields such as fine art
and music.
- The rate of autism is estimated at about 3-4 per 10,000 people worldwide, but the ratio is rising in
recent years. According to National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), about XXX children in the United States are diagnosed with autism. In China, no nationwide
statistics have been published, with only provincial data reported. In 2010, for example, the rate of
autism is estimated at 0.67% in Guangdong Province, and at 1.32% in Shenzhen, its second largest
- Autism being a disease still short of sufficient treatment, a considerable number of hospitals now
cannot provide professional autism therapy. Psychological intervention provided by specialized
medical institutes is thus a recommendable management.